Thursday, November 3, 2011

First Official Post

Well, here is my first official post as a blogger.  However, if you are reading this, it's a little old. I decided I need an outlet for the constant stream of thoughts, dreams, and plans that I have on a daily basis, and a blog is the perfect outlet for such a thing.  This blog is going to be a mix of things I like-food, style, music, movies, decorations, and anything else that catches my eye.  I am just starting to embark on my adult life, which equals spending money, grown-up events, and the ability to experience new things on a daily basis.  Being a little bit of a control freak, I have a plan for essentially every aspect of my life, but fortunately, the kid in me never really left, so sometimes it takes me a little bit to get to where I want to be.  For whoever comes and visits, I hope that I can add some inspiration to your life, or at the very least, some entertainment!

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